post-Christmas miscellany

Kyle was ecstatic about the boxed Narnia set that Grandma and Grandpa got for him

Ricki, however, was NOT thrilled with the bag of coal that Grandma and Grandpa got her.

Queen Matilda was looking lonely this morning, so I dug through my roving and found this I had forgotten all about this roving - I bought it at Knitting Camp from Mielke's Fiber Farm. Queen Matilda seems to have forgiven me for neglecting her, because this is what I have so far:
I just have to free up another bobbin so I can start the second ply this afternoon.
Kevin and Kelson are on another hunting trip - they'll be home tomorrow. In the meantime, I've been playing with Kelson's new MP3 player that he got for Christmas. I'm starting to wonder about my state of mind, I think...after I finished loading it with music, I realized that I managed to fill it with music that reminds me of high school and college. There's a little bit of more modern stuff, but it still reminds me of 1981...
For example:
Boston - Can'tcha Say You Believe in Me
Green Day - Time of Your Life
Moody Blues - Once Upon a Time
Eagles - Wasted Time
America - Sister Golden Hair
Zappacosta - It's All Been Done Before
Nickelback - Photograph
Phil Collins - Take a Look at Me Now
Ozzy Osbourne - So Tired
Chris DeBurgh - Ship to Shore
Wow - I sure had a lot of angst and regret in the early 80's! Most of it seems to revolve around the summer of 1981...
I'm going to have to unload this thing before they get home tomorrow, or I'll never hear the end of the ridicule. Maybe I'll burn myself a CD that I can listen to in the truck.
Aren't happy receivers of knitted items fun!?! 2 scarves, an American Girl doll sweater, a stranded Christmas stocking and a catnip mouse were all received extremely well -- now there's the big sigh of relief! And DH bought me a digital Canon!
Merry Christmas!
We've been playing in the snow!
Blue & Annie
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