I was home from school today (no, we didn't have a snow day...) On Saturday, I discovered that my ice cream was soup...and my refrigerator was 50 degrees inside. A dead compressor (which they could replace, to the tune of almost $700!) Today, I stayed home and waited for the nice gentlemen from the Home Appliance store to arrive and take my (formerly) trusty fridge away.
A couple of small dinks on the edges, and they knocked off almost $500! Heck, with 2 teenaged boys, their friends and an airedale, it would have had those dings in no time anyway. :-) The compressor on the old one had been on its way out for a while - now we won't have to eat ice cream bars with a bowl and a spoon! Hooray!!
Knitting?? Oh yeah. I'm working on a project in KnitPicks Shine Sport right now, but I can't show you. Why?? Because it's GONNA BE IN A BOOK!! How cool is that??? I have a *very* tight deadline, so I've been knitting my fingers off for the last few days - and between the cold weather (9F this morning...that's -13C for the non-Americans among you...the windchill was -5F) and the cotton yarn, my hands are pretty much hating me right now!!!
I do have to take a break tonight and go to the library for this:
This is my Teen Hip Knits class on their first night of a two night class. In 2 short hours, they learned the long-tail cast on and the knit and purl stitch. Tonight they'll learn to increase, decrease, and cast-off. They've done really well!
Now....back to my knitting - I'll show you pictures when I'm allowed! :-)